Thursday, February 26, 2015


What is remediation? What does it contribute -- if anything -- to your view of writing? Of writing technologies?


  1. Remediation is something like the existence of one medium within another. For example, films are essentially recorded theater plays delivered through the medium of a screen. After nearly a century of cinema, this medium has developed its own set of creative moves like shifting camera angles and digital effects that could not be recreated on stages. Photos have remediated the human optical experience. They capture images very similar to what our eyes see, but present them in photos, which is different from how we normally experience image.

    After we defined writing very broadly early in the semester, remediation makes me see writing in a more unified, holistic light. Remediation reveals oft- unconsidered cross-media commonalities, and this allows writers and designers to apply similar composing and designing techniques to different media. A writer composing a Facebook event page can recall that these pages are remediated flyers. Many of tropes of effective flyers like visual interest and concise descriptions of who, what, when, where, and why are the core of successful Facebook event pages.

    The work of remediating is not one to one translation though because writing technologies all have different affordances from each other. Flyers are expected to merge visuals and linguistic information within the same space while Facebook event pages often separate the two. There is a designated page space for a visual and then space for the vital linguistic information. The information conveyed by these two genres is almost identical, but even if in remediations writers must know how to adapt and capitalize on each separate medium’s conventions and affordances.

  2. Remediation defined by the author of the text is, “the representation of one medium in another.” They also expand the explanation by arguing that it “is a defining characteristic of the new digital media.” Remediation contributes to my view of writing because it allows me to see older texts viewed in a newer and updated medium. For example, in the text they described CD-ROM’s or DVD’s to include picture galleries or collections or literary texts. The new medium in which to view these texts are not trying to compete with the old medium, but instead just making it readily available and easier to access for the current generation. Therefore remediation doesn’t directly contribute to my own writing per say but it contributes to my view of older writings by other people and allows me to access it more easily. When concerning remediation with writing technologies at times the text can be enhanced with the new technology is it remediated to. The author suggests that putting the writing in a new technology is seen, “as an improvement, although the new is still justified in terms of the old and seeks to remain faithful to the older medium’s character.” The author further expands this point with an easy to understand example of how digital online encyclopedia’s now offer not only pictures and words but they are also equipped with sound, video, electronic searching and linking capabilities. There are also times when the new writing technology can diminish the older text in it’s original medium. Even though this can happen, the new medium is still depending on the original text in the original medium in ways that it may or may not be aware of. The author gives an example of this with computer games that were made from the idea of a specific movie. Overall, remediation is something that I think is bound to happen with a majority of writings and texts, it just matters to what degree it is being remediated at.

  3. The article first analyzes immediacy through the lens of virtual reality. Virtual reality is the diminishing of physical technology equipment and being fully immersed in the media scene. Basically it is to forget reality. One’s mind is focused on the virtual world and forgets the technological barrier or the “presence of the computer and its interface” (pg. 23). Furthermore, Immediacy is rising in popularity as society focuses its attention on graphics as a means of communication. “Immediacy is supposed to make this computer interface ‘natural’ rather than arbitrary’ (23). It is in some ways transparency. The author continues to describe how to effectively obtain immediacy in which he describes linear perspective- to control space through a single angle. Photography is an advanced example of linear perspective. Furthermore, immediacy relies on automatic systems that erase the “human agent” such as a computer programmer.

    Hypermediacy is different from immediacy that it tries to multiply the mediated activity and exaggerates the realistic illusion. Hypermediacy raises awareness for the human desire for immediacy.

    Remediation is the representation of one medium to another or using new medium (computer) to communicate or access an old medium (painting). Immediacy is the goal of remediation. Likewise the new medium wants to create the same relationship between the reader and the older medium. This makes me think of eBooks and how they are offering the same material as physical books, but they add to the original media with links, voice-overs and highlighting capabilities.
    One example of remediation parallels remix theory in that it takes the work of another and refashions it for another purpose. It is termed “refashioning within the medium.”

  4. According to “Immediacy, Hyperimmediacy and Remediation,” the term remediation can be defined as “the representation of one medium in another.” The legendary communication theorist Marshall McLuhan stated that “the content of any medium is always another medium.” The concept of remediation goes beyond that of borrowing and is just as complex as remixing can be. This incorporation of one medium in another medium has become a common characteristic of digital media. Modern digital media often mix several mediums to make a resource more interactive and interesting than older forms of technology. The text gave the examples of remediation being used for different purposes. Remediation can be used to highlight old mediums or be used as an improvement. Using new digital writing technologies can simply be used to present old things in new ways for convenience-sake. A new digital medium can also almost (not completely) replace its predecessor with remediation improvements. Another form of remediation seems similar to remixing from the explanation given. Remediation can also be used to refashion one medium. Like having parts of a poem within another poem or quoting previous academic research in another academic research paper. The text called this remediation the “key to digital media,” which is comparable to remix culture becoming popularized.

    When it comes to contributing to my view of writing, I think remediation falls into the same category as remixing and R/W culture. Remediation is a practice that is common in all types of media that the only thing new is putting a title to the concept. Incorporating one media within another is what most children of the digital age grew up with and seeing multiple mediums has been a practice for most of what we know. Remediation did contribute to my thoughts on writing technologies. Some implementations of remediation can actually just be used to display a medium in a different way, rather than invalidating the old writing technology. I mostly thought of remediation as being an improvement for older technologies but this text helped me understand that older technologies are not useless when compared to their ‘improvements.’

  5. Remediation according to the text is “the representation of one medium in another”. Like the use of movie lines in a song, this theory shows that we essentially recycle material. This comes across in a different way than remixing or assemblage however. Remediation is different in that something is represented nearly as it is, such as Strange Fruit in the Kanye West song and other songs that I have heard that like to take quotes from movies and use it in the lyrics. Something of the past that helps accentuate the new is being used. Contributing a new element that the current audience may have never experience before otherwise remediation brings back something to be analyzed by a new set of people. The theory itself doesn’t really contribute to my view of writing, but the implementation may cause me to view something that I wouldn’t have. This allows me to have experienced something that may give me a deeper understanding of the work as a whole and to appreciate the individual element of whatever work has been created that wasn’t something used from someone else. Remediation allows for a wider scope of writing technologies. Writing can be seen in video and add to audio. There is no limitation on how someone can come into contact with the written word.

  6. Remediation is defined as the representation of one medium in another; and, as argued in the readings, is a defining characteristic of the new digital media. Remediation is described as existing within two categories: 1) remediation existing to simply replicate; existing as an accessible alternative to the original 2) remediation existing to improve upon, and in some instance supplant, the original. An example of the first case is a photograph of a portrait found in a gallery; here, the remediation acts as a copy of the original that is not meant to diminish the use of the portrait. An example of the second case is a digital encyclopedia, which expands upon the original with added audio and video components as well as searching and linking features – effectually rendering the original outdated, and competing against it.
    I don’t necessarily see remediation, in this sense, as adding anything to my idea of writing or writing technologies. However, McLuhan’s remark on remediation does: “the ‘content’ of any medium is always another medium” (45). It allows for a more comprehensive understanding of writing, which acknowledges the manner in which media is recycled and how mediums interplay with each other. As is elaborated on in the text, remediation often involves a complex kind of borrowing in which one medium is itself incorporated or represented in another medium. It points at the complexities with which mediums our interwoven.

  7. Remediation is the “representation of one medium in another” (McLuhan, 45). My view of writing hasn’t necessarily changed due understanding remediation, it has just been altered in the sense that I understand more of fluid writing is. Writing is a part of almost everything we do. In the sense that if someone is speaking, it could also come in the form of a letter or if someone draws a picture someone could describe it through writing. Comprehending the concept of remediation has helped me to further understand the transitions that wiring has gone through for us to relay information to one another. For example, you can now find book on the Internet and have them right on your phone rather than having to go to the library to check one out. Remediation has changed my view of writing technologies. As digital media has grown, writing has become more readily available to people via technological devices. Hand-writing for some today is considered obsolete because of how much easier it is to type or how the purpose of hand writing is not as imperative when you can just copy an paste. As we develop more and more technology it will be interesting to see the shifts of mediums that writing becomes transposed on.

  8. Remediation is when content is borrowed but the medium has not been appropriated or quoted. In remediation, one medium is represented in another, acting as a defining characteristic of the new digital media. An example this article uses is the World Wide Web currently. It remediates older forms without challenging them by reorganizing texts and images without calling the character of the text or status of the image into question. In art, remediation functions to refashion the aura of the art work into another media form. The digital medium uses more aggressive remediation, by utilizing both the source and the target media. New medium also remediates through absorbing old medium so the discontinuities between the two are minimized. Thus, the older medium is not fully deleted and remains dependent on the older medium through various ways.

    Remediation does contribute to my view of writing. It simultaneously denies the possibility of uniqueness and is unique to digital worlds. Depending on the competition or rivalry between the new media and old, digital media constantly functions to remediate their predecessors. In remediation, the audience has the same relationship between the new and old medium however, the new medium functions to enhance the text and connect to a broader audience by appealing to direct groups and the current time period. The new media is a new means of gaining access to older materials, and acts as a way to transfer old material into the new one and further influencing the audience through your writing. Therefore, instead of erasing the old medium, remediation simply functions to update it in order to further intrigue audiences growing up in the digital age. As Holtzman declares, “we need to transcend the old to discover completely new worlds of expression” (15).

  9. In this article remediation takes on being defined as a “representation of one medium in another”. This remediation is also described as a way of communicating or could be a way to another medium. This article then starts to talk about how other mediums are crossing over into new mediums. Things like new computers and technology can help make things more real with graphic images and technology that will enhance the computer and hopefully make it more “three- dimensional” as the author describes. “These three – dimensional views are meant to lend even greater immediacy to the experience of computing” (23). As stated before, remediation is a way to another medium or it can also enhance another medium. Like the previous example I mentioned, this new computer technology is a way to make something better like the graphic images used to create special effects in movies or the actual desktop itself powering the computer screen to make things more fluid and efficient.

  10. According to the authors remediation is the representation of one medium in another medium. There is this system of borrowing that is always present, from one form to another. For example movies borrow from books, just as books could borrow from oral culture (i.e. urban legends). So to say that one can exist in isolation goes against the very definition of remediation. Digital means have expanded remediation past its original boundaries. Music clips and movie excerpts can easily be modified and presented in a new context online. Networking platforms like twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr thrive off of rebranding hashtags, or words to fit a new context. For the authors they describe that remediation comes in different degrees when crossing mediums. One is when digital mediums tries to erase itself, so that there’s no difference between something in reality and something projected behind a computer screen. Other creators want to highlight the difference rather than erase it, it way that the digital version supersedes the original. Thirdly, the digital form could refashion the original form, but still keeping some aspects of it to make the reader feel like they are using the original. Lastly, the digital medium could want to become almost identical to the original. All of these are the certain levels of remediation that we would find when representing one medium in another.
    I think by labeling it as “remediation” it has now become more apparent to me. In my opinion everything is a remediation. I think individuals can have originality in their writing, but I’m skeptical to claim that any ideas are ever original. In some form or another, we build off of preceding ideas that we have read, heard, or experienced with others. I think it is important to always be aware in writing how to adapt to your audience. I think people don’t want something that it necessarily new or original, but rather gives the false pretense as such.

  11. In “Immediacy, Hypermediacy and Remediation”, remediation is described as the representation of one medium in another. It is so widespread that we can identify numerous different ways in which digital media remediate older media. This kind of borrowing has been around for ages. An example is paintings illustrating the Bible. The entertainment industry frequently takes from one medium and reuses it in another. Electronic remediations want to emphasize the difference instead of erasing it. Remediation ensures that the older medium cannot be entirely deleted. The new medium is dependent on the older one whether it is clear or not. Refashioning within the medium is a special case of remediation. An example of this is when a film borrows from an earlier film. Refashioning earlier work helps us understand representation in earlier media. The author believes Steven Holtzman was wrong in thinking that digital media can not be significant until it is original. However, this could never happen and digital media relies on remediation.

    Remediation has already contributed to my view of writing. Most works of art or print are inspired by previous works. An example of this is the movie She’s the Man which was inspired by Shakespeare’s play Twelfth Night. The movie uses the partial storyline of Shakespeare with a modern twist. This kind of borrowing enhances new works. Remediation is similar to R/W culture and remixing. All use previous work to create something new and creative.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Remediation is the idea that one medium is represented in another medium. It explains that texts to not exist in isolation of their other forms, and that we must focus on the appropriate form for our intended audience.

    I think that the ideas of immediacy and hypermediacy really add to my definition of writing. As immediacy shows, we have this desire for an invisible interface that makes for a "natural" interaction. I think that a pretty good example of this can be found in the (relatively) new Sims 4 game. Previously users were able to create a sim by using a huge list of sliders that altered specific body parts. Now, users are able to click and drag on the sims' body itself, which EA games advertises as a "more natural" experience. I also see how there are times when we desire hypermediacy though. I think as a society we have this desire to multitask and although we're never actually doing multiple things at the same time, we jump back and forth so rapidly that we want this visible interface that separates everything grasping for our attention. While part of me feels that McLuhan oversimplified in stating that the medium IS the message, I think the authors of this text overcomplicated remediation with all the comparisons to oil paintings and such. Regardless, the text brings further attention to the appropriation of writing for audiences, and in that sense I view it as helpful. It helps us understand that there are ways to remediate texts by bringing attention to the medium, and by working to hide it.

  14. Remediation is described in "Immediacy, Hypermediacy, and Remediation" as "The representation of one medium in another" (45). Remediation takes older media and essentially recreates how that media is presented. One example of this from the text is CD-ROM or DVD picture galleries. These picture galleries contain digitized paintings or photographs, and collections of literary texts. Page 47 also makes sure to mention that remediation ensures that the "Older medium cannot be entirely effaced; the new medium remains dependent on the older one".

    This idea builds upon my view of remixing work. I had not originally thought of placing one piece in a new medium as remixing, but now I do consider it a remixed work when an already completed piece is being presented in a different medium than it was originally. This idea of remediation is heavily technology based, as many pieces are being transformed into digital media to keep up with technological advances.


  15. According to the reading, remediation is the representation of one medium in another. The example is made of pictures being digitalized for viewing, but my first thought was an example of books previously hand-copied by scribes being set in movable type and recreated in a printing press for mass production. Though the content of the book is the same generally, there may be edits and certainly changes in format; likewise, in taking a picture of a painting to publish online, the content may be slightly altered, such as the visible colors in the new text.
    It seems to me that this concept has always been present in practice, and I’m happy now to have a word to put to it for academic use. It doesn’t change my view of writing or writing technologies so much as it gives me a tool to express those views, which I feel is very valuable.

  16. Remediation is the representation of one medium in another medium according to the authors. This is not a new concept, we’ve been discussing similar concepts all semester. We’ve established that nearly all text comes from a previous form of text. Ideas are turned into stories, stories are turned into books, books are turned into movies, so on and so forth. In today’s society, technology has furthered the idea of remediation. Digital media helps organize the previously published works and push the agenda to a target audience. Remediation is two categories: to copy and to improve upon. Technology has helped us significantly in both of those categories. It has made the copying of old information and reorganizing very simple, so that it is clear to the audience the purpose of the text. Technology emphasizes on the second category because of the abilities it gives us to improve upon new texts because of how technology enables us to create. I don’t believe remediation furthered my view of writing because it was really just putting a term to a concept and idea I was already familiar with.

  17. Remediation is using an old text or media to become a new one. This is done by trying to erase the audiences memory of the prior text and recreating the same content, by trying to keep the other text a large part of the new piece and emphasizing it’s involvement, or by trying to make a completely new text and meaning from using the old text. I see remediation as another way to say assemblage or remix, but in more detail.
    Because we have already discussed most of these ideas, I didn’t have an epiphany about my idea of writing, but I would say the thing that I thought about the most while reading this, is the idea of our world becoming virtual reality. I enjoyed how the article discussed immediacy and hypermedia before it discussed rememdiation, because it made me think about why our world would want a virtual reality. I unfortunately do think that is a large possibility for our future, not with everyone (because there will always be outside nature lovers), but with the mainstream culture. I really hope our society takes this another way, because I already feel like hypermedia has made me a less intelligent person, because there are so many distractions that my mind can often times not process an entire thought.
    Continuing on the virtual reality point, I found Holtzman’s theory very interesting. I don’t agree with him that the world of digital life in the future will be all new ideas, but at the same time, maybe I just can’t picture that because it is such a new world.

  18. The idea of Remediation seems to build upon the discussions we have been having about remixing. As it is mentioned in the text, the idea of one work reflecting in another is not new in the creative or even in any kind of production world.
    The article expounds upon the ideas of immediacy and hypermediacy, which I really think not only add to the definition of remixing and remediation but is also important to the way we craft a text. These ideas enhance the craft by placing high importance on the reader’s experience. As the article talked about, or from what I have gathered, immediacy is all about creating an initial experience. It touches on the fact that being too conscious of confronting a medium can interfere with one’s interpretation of the text’s content. Hypermediacy seems to take it to the next level. This seems to be more about the actual interaction with an art or text, or whatever the medium may be.
    These two ideas of immediacy and hypermediacy, can both enhance a reader’s experience. They dissolve the obstacle that the medium creates by fully engaging and immersing a reader or viewer.
